Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pregnancy Survey : Week 38

How far along: 37 weeks 5 days

Total Weight Gain: 45-50lbs

Stretchmarks: As I said last week, they're bad. They creep up more and more each day slowly overtaking my whole tummy. 
But it's okay! They'll fade when I'm you know, toned and stuff again. [trying to be optimistic!]

Sleep: I seem to wake up to pee less but I think it's because I'm staying up later. So I'm not getting a whole lot of sleep but I make it through my days okay.

Best Moment This Week: Starting all the "natural induction techniques" if you know what I mean ;)

Movement: He's actually slowed down a lot this week. We went in for the NST test [they just monitor his movement] and it took a freakin hour to get enough movement out of him.

Labor Signs: I feel like I might be having braxton hicks sometimes? But still basically nonexistent. I'm having some gross feet and ankle swelling--not a labor sign but definitely a pregnancy thing. Oh oh and booby leakage! hahaha. Totally TMI. That's what you get for reading.

Belly Button: Same as last week. "Barely an inny. I don't think it's going to end up popping out though."

What I Miss: Stomach sleeping. If I could crash on my bed in my belly I would be able to sleep. I hope I don't have to have a c-section. I know v-labor mamas that slept on their stomach the very first night! Ahh what I would give for that.

What I am Looking Forward to: 6 weeks with just my baby and my hubby. I'm SO lucky that I have my husband with me during my entire maternity leave. Who gets that? Such a blessing.

Milestones: Not a lot going on with baby anymore, he's just getting fatter. :)

37 Weeks 5 Days!

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