Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pregnancy Survey - Week 39

How far along: 38 weeks 4 days

Total Weight Gain: 50ish lbs.

Stretchmarks: Less itchy now that they've been around a couple weeks which is nice. The tallest ones come about an inch above my belly button. I plan on taking pictures of the [hopefully] fading process after I have Ethan.

Sleep: This weekend was amazing. Jake and I did NOTHING. Ahh. We haven't had a weekend like that in forever. So we got to sleep as much as we wanted and when we weren't sleeping we were just reading or watching movies. It was so restful, I feel great!

Best Moment This Week: Jake's birthday! 

Movement: He takes up pretty much my entire stomach area at this point so he can't move a whole whole lot and when he does it's quite uncomfortable. I like him to move enough that I know hes okay but that's about it. Baby boy can be lodged into my ribcage and yet hitting my cervix at the same time. Ouch!

Labor Signs: Dr.Noble today "any contractions?" "nope" "*silence* ... okay, maybe next week then!" He was surprised. Basically I've got nothing going on, just pregnant.

Belly Button: Not going anywhere.

What I Miss: Being able to bend over. I was able to do this much longer than I expected but the past week it's almost impossible. Ethan just takes up too much room and you can't exactly bend a baby.

What I am Looking Forward to: Working on getting my body back. :)

Milestones: He passed his non-stress test in the normal 20 minutes this week. Thankfully since last week after the hour it took my back was killing me.

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